Jesus said:
No one knows the Son except the Father (Mat 11:27).
No-one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels... nor the Son (Mark 13:32).
John The Baptist said:
I have seen and testify that this is the Son of God (John 1:34). (Return to top) |
Christians believe that God created the universe and humanity to be in a perfect relationship with him, and that he gave us freewill so we can freely chose to accept that relationship. Unfortunately, because of that freewill, we choose the easy option and so fail to live up to God's standard, and that creates a rift or separation between God and us much like the rift between a parent and their naughty child.
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However, God loves us so much that he wants to correct that rift and re-instate the relationship. Unfortunately humanity has never been good enough, God alone is good enough to make good the rift, so he had to come to earth himself in the form of a Son, Jesus Christ.
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The Bible, tells us that God himself called Jesus 'my Son' (You are my Son whom I love -
Mark 1:11) and his immediate followers recognised him as such (Then those who were in the boat worshipped him, "Truly you are the Son of God" -
Matthew 14:32). Christians associate the Son particularly with salvation - that is, saving us from the inevitable outcome of separation from God because of the rift caused by our disobedience, which we call 'sin'.
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