Modulo - The Basics
Giving Life Meaning
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What's it all About?
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Welcome to Modulo - The Basics which has two 'Modules' which together provide an introduction for those exploring Christianity for the first time, or a refresher of the main points for those who already have some experience.
Module 1 explores who God is, how we know, how he made himself known to humanity, and how things go wrong when we fail to keep the Laws he gave us for living together in harmony.
Module 2 explores what God did to help us understand and apply his Laws and to put right the separation from him that results from our disobedience - he came to earth himself in the form we know as Jesus Christ - hence 'Christianity'.
The Basics Menu
  • 1: Who Is God - What's He Like?
  • 2: God Provides A Saviour
  • Questions and answers are provided to compare the behaviour of early people with our own behaviour today - are we any better?
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Module 1 - Who Is God, What's He Like?
Picture, God Creating
Evidence is offered in several ways to reveal who God is, what he's like, and how he made himself known to humanity via a childless couple who, if they obeyed God, would have descendants to become a great nation.
Unfortunately, their descendants failed to keep the 'Old Covenant' (Agreement) they made with God, so God wasn't able to protect them and they became slaves in a foreign land.
  • The evidence presented includes: creation & evolution, past people's experience, and building our own relationship with God today.
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Module 2 - God Provides a Saviour
Picture, Jesus Teaching & Healing
What could be done to correct the result of humanity's disobedience? Only one was good enough to do that, God, so he came to earth himself in human form as Jesus Christ to explain his Laws and make reconciliation for our disobedience, thereby saving us from eternal separation from him - which would be hell - and Jesus gave us a 'New Covenant' as we'll discover in this Module 2.
  • The separation from God caused by our disobedience is much like that of a naughty child, which spoils the love felt by their caring human parent (we call that disobedience 'sin').
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About The Bible
Picture, A Bible
The Christian Holy Book is called 'The Bible', and is a useful source of evidence as it contains details of earlier people's experience of God. It's written by humans, so limited by human language and knowledge, but they were inspired by God in what they wrote, so it's often called the 'Holy' Bible.

The individual books were put together when Greek was the language used by scholars, so the title 'Bible' is a Greek word that just means 'Books'. It's divided into two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Bible references are included in the Modules to justify the comments made. You might like to use the Bible to check-out some of them.

To help us find a particular passage, Bible references are divided into:
Book, Chapter : Verse
eg: Gen 1:5 = The Book of Genesis, chapter 1 : verse 5.
Gen 1:1-28 = The Book of Genesis, chapter 1 : verses 1-28 inclusive.
(The abbreviation Ch = The Whole Chapter)

Most Bibles have an index at the front or back to explain the book name abbreviations and to show what page each book starts on.
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  • The Old Testament contains 39 books from Genesis to Malachi and covers the time from creation to the coming of Jesus. The New Testament contains 26 books and is an account of Jesus' life and teaching (the Gospels), plus events that happened immediately after Jesus returned to heaven (Acts & Letters).
  • As well as events detailing people's experience of God, it also contains poetry and sayings to inspire and guide us.
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