Welcome to Modulo
Giving Life Meaning
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Christianity - What's it all About?
Clip Art, Discussion Group
Welcome to ‘Modulo’, a series of informal Modules that explore Christianity to find out why many people say it gives their life meaning.
We begin by asking ‘Does God exist?’ No-one can prove he does, but equally no-one can prove he doesn't either, so we explore everyday people’s experiences, as well as the experience of earlier people as recorded in the Christian holy book called ‘The Bible’. Practical questions and answers are provided to help us compare other people’s experiences with our own life today.
As well as the on-screen introductions, every page is provided in PDF format so you can click on it to print it out if you would like a paper copy. If you don't have the Adobe PDF Reader App, click here to download it for free.
  • Whichever version you choose you can do it on your own, but it's best in a group; and even better if shared over a meal or with refreshments.

  • There are 3 versions depending on how much time you want to spend and how much detail you want to know.
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Clip Art, Single Person
The Basics is the shortest version and provides an introduction to Christianity in two parts and a useful revision for those who already know a bit about Christianity.

Module 1: explores if God exists and what he's like, how he made himself known to humanity, gave us Laws for respecting him and each other, and the result of disobeying those Laws (separation from God).

Module 2 explores the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, who was God's answer to save us from the separation caused by our failing to obey his Laws, which restored the opportunity of a caring, loving relationship with God - as he’d always intended.
  • The Basics can be done in one session and should take about one hour each Module.
  • If you're doing it in a group with a meal or refreshments, you might take a short break between the two Modules to serve dessert, or refill any cups or glasses.
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Clip Art, Small Tem
The Essentials is a bit longer and also has two parts that cover the same topics as The Basics, but in a bit more detail; so it also provides a useful revision for those who already know a bit about Christianity.
Each of the two parts has three Modules, six in all, which take about one hour each.
  • You can do The Essentials at any time, or you might do it in 6 sessions, eg: one Module for each of the six weeks of Lent.
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Clip Art, Large Group
The Big Picture is the longest version and starts with the same two parts as the other versions but goes into much more detail for those who want to go deeper. Consequently, there are six additional Modules which explore:

Module 3: how Jesus’ disciples responded.
Module 4: how authority responded and gave us the church we know today.
Module 5: invites us to make our own response.
Module 6: explores God’s response, as revealed in the Bible’s last book called ‘Revelation’.
Module 7: gives a simple guide to prayer and praying to help us get to know God.
Module 8: is an optional guide for group leaders, if you want to lead a group and would like help to do that.
  • Each Module of The Big Picture should also take about one hour, but as there are many more Modules, you might like do it as a series of meetings over several weeks, eg: as part of a Study or House Group.
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