Help in Trouble
Clip Art, Helping Hand
If you have a problem or worry and would like to talk to someone, you can speak to anyone in our ministry team (see the People pages) or you can (send us an email).

If your difficulty is with government or the council, including health and benefit services. you may prefer to talk to the Forest of Dean Community Wellbeing Team who are part of a county-wide service that may be able to offer support and advice. The service is available to anyone over the age of 16 years.

If you contact them, a named member of their team will have a conversation with you about what's the matter, where your interests lie, what your strengths are and what would help meet the challenges you face. This may lead to some one-to-one support, connection with others in your community or an introduction to a group or organisation.

What can the Community Wellbeing Service help with?

  • in times of change, for example after redundancy, health issues or retirement
  • in time of emotional hardship, such as after bereavement
  • if you are worried about debt or financial issues
  • if you don't know where to turn for support
  • if you would like to volunteer in your community

For more information, Click here for the Community Well-Being Website.

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