Seasons and Festivals
Picture, People at Worship
The church exists first to offer worship (honour) to God and to thank him for the gifts he gives us, and secondly to honour and support each other, because we're all fellow creatures of God and so by honouring each other we honour him too.

As well as the Seasons and Major Festivals which help us worship God, the church celebrates several 'Special Days' throughout the year to remember, honour and support each other and our work in God's world. Celebration of the "Special Days" is usually optional, Christians chose which they want to remember, not all churches celebrate all these days....
'Special Days'
Christian Aid
Clip Art, Chrisian Aid Log
As well as providing emergency relief, Christain Aid works with the world's poorest communities in 50 countries of the world. They aim to invest in things that will provide benefits for years to come, thereby helping people to improve their own lives, whatever their background or religion.(Return to top)
Helping Poor Communities
Picture, Bolivian Woman
Previous campains helping poor communities included:
£11 could buy 300 banana seeds for a poor family farming in Bolivia. The bananas provide valuable extra food for the family's children.
£30 could provide a rainwater tank in Bangladesh. That helped a family to collect enough clean drinking water to last for at least six months each year.
£51 could train a member of a poor Ghanaian community to apply for funds released to their government after the year 2000 'Drop the Debt' campaign. That helped many people get access to education, healthcare and transport.
Christian Aid Week
Poster, Christian Aid Week
Christian Aid gets much of its funding from charitable donations and has long had a designated week every year when many churches assist by making a collection in their area. Each year Dymock Church takes part in the national house to house collection in the village to coincide with the nationally advertised 'Christian Aid Week'.
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