The Big Picture - Our Own Response
Giving Life Meaning
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Module 5/0 - Introduction
Clkip Art, Response Required Rjubber Stamp
We've seen how God created the universe and everything in it, including you and me. How he made himself known to humanity and gave us Laws for living together and how he responded to our difficulty in keeping those Laws (by coming to earth himself in the form of Jesus to make reconciliation for our disobedience), and how his Apostles first, and then Authority after, responded. So what next? - we each need to respond too, and this Module 5 explores how we might do that.
Big Picture Module 5
  • 5/0: Introduction (this page)
    5/1: Martyrs, Saints & Evangelists
    5/2: Our Own Response
    5/3: A Service of Response
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Module 5/1 - Martyrs, Saints and Evangelists
Picture, Mobile Phone
This first Part explores how some Christians responded in special ways, making the ultimate sacrifice of their earthly life (Martyrs), or served God and their neighbour especially well (Saints), or shared the Gospel as their full-time task (Evangelists).
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  • Although every Christian is called to respond, fortunately we're not all called to respond in such extreme ways.
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Module 5/2 - Our Own Response
Picture: Hands Offering
Why we should each respond is first justified, before exploring some common and more practical responses.
What we might do after Modulo is also suggested, including formal and informal ways of learning more and growing our own faith.
  • This Module explores some more routine ways in which we can all respond to God and Jesus' call, and continue to learn more about them both throughout our life.
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Module 5/3 - A Service of Response
Clip Art, People Worshipping
Before we go on to look at what the future might hold for us (Module 6), you might like to make a formal response to try to follow Jesus and keep God's Laws.
You can do that on your own or in your group where you normally meet if you're part of one or, if you worship in a church, you may be able to do it as part of a regular Service with the usual congregation present as a commitment for yourself and an act of outreach (evangelism) to them.
This optional Module 5/3 takes the form of an 'Order of Service' if you would like to use it, or you can use one provided by any established church, or you could make-up your own (but see the note in the side column).
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  • Making a Response is useful as a discipline to help us keep our resolution to follow Jesus and obey God's Laws.
  • This Service, or one provided by a 'formal' source (such as an existing church), rather than one you make up yourself is good because it's been checked to avoid any accidental heresy.
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